Automatic Market Maker
The transaction fee on BenSwap (smartBCH) is the lowest, most of which is rewarded to the liquidity providers.
Total fee rate is 0.2% (0.15% to liquidity providers and 0.05% to the dev team).
Token Listing
We recommend that you create your token on BenSwap SEP-20 Factory so that we don't need to verify your token contract. This would also speed up your token listing process.
Please take the following steps to list your tokens.
Metadata & Logo
Step 1: Fork the GitHub repository
Step 2: Under the \assets folder, create a new folder and use the token contract checksum address as the new folder name.
Step 3: Add token metadata (info.json) into the new folder.
Step 4: Add token logo (png) into the new folder.
Step 5: Make a pull request and patiently wait for our team review.
DEX Default List
Prerequisites: Please make sure that the token metadata and logo have already been added using the steps above.
Step 1: Fork the GitHub repository
Step 2: Add your token into out DEX default list (dexdefault.json).
Step 3: Make a pull request and patiently wait for our team review.
Need Help?
Please join if you need additional assistance or want to ask about the status of your pull request.
LP Factory: 0x8d973bAD782c1FFfd8FcC9d7579542BA7Dd0998D
AMM Router: 0x0c1Cb50D5eEd1beA4b4dD62B6368C0CA63AbaC11
Last updated